Fig. 762.01
The molecules near the surface of the net are coursing
in chordally
ricocheting great-circle patterns around the net's inner
surface. Because every action has
its reaction, it would be possible to pair all the molecules
so that they would behave as, for
instance, two swimmers who dive into a swimming tank
from opposite ends, meet in the
middle, and then, employing each other's inertia, shove
off from each other's feet in
opposite directions. We have an acceleration effectiveness
equal to what they experience
when shoving off from the tank's "solid" wall. When
you are swimming, you dive from
one end of the tank, which gives you a little acceleration
into the water. When you get to
the end of the tank, you can put up your feet, double
up your body, and shove off from the
wall again. Likewise, two swimmers can meet in the middle
of the tank, double up their
bodies, put the soles of their feet together, and thrust
out in opposite directions. The
phenomenon is similar to the discontinuous compression
and continuous tension of
geodesics. The molecules are in motion and have to have
some kind of a reaction set; each
molecule caroming around, great-circularly hitting glancing
blows, then making a chord
and then another glancing blow, has to have another
molecule to shove off from. They are
the ones that are accounting for all the work. Each
one would have to be balanced as a
balanced pair of forces. We discover that all we are
accounting for can be paired. So there
is a net of arrows outwardly in the middle of the chord
pulling against the net of arrows
pointing inwardly.